"Oh it's the worst timing!" Sound familiar?
I was on a coaching call with a client the other day who had just signed up to my nutrition coaching package. She’s was very upset when we jumped on the call and said “Oh Kate it's the worst timing! Things have gone crazy in my world, my car has broken down, it’s not covered under insurance, I can’t get to the shops, and everything has fallen apart.
I haven’t been able to keep up the with the dietary changes that you have suggested and because of the stress I have been eating even more sugary / comfort food. I wish I had started this program after all of the stress was over so that I could concentrate better”.
While I completely understood her situation and felt deeply for her circumstance, because we have all been there right? I reminded her that this is the perfect timing for this to occur. Because the truth is, it's super easy to stick to something new when things are going smoothly and when there’s no bumps but it’s not so easy when things take a turn and the road gets rocky.
So in this blog post, we’ll look at six ways to combat stressful times and the importance of healthy habits.
1. Don't use tough times to give up on yourself. Take control of that little voice in your head. When you say "I’m going to do it", do it, regardless of what's going on💪
This mindset shift it’s the difference between achieving your goals and fully committing rather than going halfway in. It stops you from crumbling and allows you to resist the weight of the world during tough times. And what fundamentally makes or breaks you in those moments? It's your habits.
Myself, I definitly love habits. Loving yourself and maintaining healthy habits shapes who you are as a person and your identity.
It’s in the tough times that we have to dig even deeper, and the wonderful thing, is that if you have strong, healthy habits in place, you can lean on them. I often say the phrase, "What are we training for? We are training for life!" And healthy habits are the difference between someone who will shatter and crumble entirely under stress and someone who will stay resilient. It could be losing a job, going through a breakup, losing a pet, dealing with a car breakdown or even your favourite TV show ending. It doesn't matter how big or small the bumps or boulders are it's our habits and mindset that are going to carry us through.
Life is definitely what you make of it and how you show up for it. If you said you were going to eat cleaner, cut the booze, set an alarm, quit the sugar and exercise, my advice is to honour your word regardless of tough times.
Don’t use tough times as an excuse to give up on yourself. Your identity structure is crucial, and it puts power in your hands, and when you stick to your word it reinforces that you are the person you say you are.
Along the way, life is definitely going to happen and it’s going to knock you off the rails, keep you down, and just when you’re about to get back up, it’s going to knock you down again. It’s in these moments that we have a choice. You can allow your old identity to take over, reaching for the booze, the TV remote, the binging, and numbing, or you can choose your new self?
The key - Make one decision at a time that aligns with the new identity of the person you want to become. The power of your habits is creating your future self.
2. Plan and prepare ahead ✍🏻
in harder times.
3. Focus on the basics 🥬🥩🌰
4. Stay hydrated 💦
5. Breathe and slow down 😴
6. Seek support and stay positive ❤️
Keep in the front of your mind that your habits are shaping your future self and it's in tough times that they become even more powerful. Whether that’s getting up earlier, setting an alarm to get up and exercise, eating cleaner, or drinking less, these habits help create the life and body of your dreams. Choose the habits that will always support your higher good, just like the six listed above.
You have a choice in every moment, and in your life, you’re going to be tested. Stay strong, stay committed, and let your habits define your resilience and your success.
Much love,
Kate x
Blood Glucose
Weight Loss
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